TMQ Events
TMQ is active in the following community events:
Country Store
Sparks Library Exhibit
Mark your calendar! And make sure to schedule plenty of time to shop.
Truckee Meadows Quilters (TMQ) is holding their annual Country Store in the Parish Hall at St. Paul’s Episcopal Church (behind the Sparks Library) on Friday, October 4 (noon to 5 pm), and Saturday, October 5
(9 am to 5 pm).
Don’t miss this once-a-year opportunity to shop for fabric, notions, patterns, yarn, and a variety of other sewing and quilting must-haves – most at better-than-retail prices. Enter the hall on the south side of the church and prepare to indulge yourself in this target-rich sewing and crafting environment.
University of Nevada, Reno
On September 8, TMQ will partner with the University
of Nevada, Reno (UNR), for a one-day introduction to sewing and quilting arts. TMQ members will be on
hand to provide students from Engineering,
Gender Studies, and Art disciplines with a fun and
out-of-the-box experience.
Coming in late 2024: The Sparks Library will feature a display of quilts made by TMQ quilters.